Now notice I said, "I HOPE this law suit gets thrown out." There is no guarantee that it will. I'm guessing that it will be up to a judge as to whether the suit moves on or gets the toss. And not every judge does the right thing. Now that might be true in our legal system (and should be expected, for our judges our human - that means they are imperfect and fallible). But there is ONE judge who is perfect, who is infallible. This judge is God. In Genesis 18:25 we read, "Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?" The answer is, "Of course!" God as Judge of all the earth will ALWAYS do what is right! Judging justly, wisely and perfectly is something that flows out of his just, wise and perfect being!
So what does this mean for us? For starters, it means that whenever we believe we are wronged by another, we must allow God to deal with the offender. After all, we cannot see into a person's heart. Only God can. And only he can make perfect judgments. This is why we are admonished in Scripture, "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord" (Romans 12:19). God as the Judge of all the earth will do what is right! Justice will prevail - if not in this life, certainly in the life to come.
In addition, knowing that God judges wisely and perfectly means that we had better live carefully in this life. Yes - that's right. Even followers of Jesus will face his judgment. We will not face condemnation (Romans 8:1), but the lives we live as believers will be scrutinized by the Judge of all the earth (please read 2 Corinthians 5:6-11). So my question for you (and ME!) is this: Are we living lives worthy of our calling as HIS people? Hmm. A thought for you to "chew on" this weekend.
Thanks for stopping by . . .