Back to Work!

This morning I crawled out of bed, knowing that my week of vacation was now in life's rear view mirror (isn't it curious that "vacation time" appears to fly by so much more quickly than "non-vacation time?"). My wife and I had plans to travel south (Virgina and North Carolina) for the week but had to postpone our itinerary due to my mother-in-law's unanticipated surgery (she is doing well by the way). Instead, we spent much of the first four days of the week at the hospital. But then we did manage to sneak away for a couple of days of much needed R&R at the end of the week thanks to the timely arrival of my wife's brother (who lives in Virginia).

The events of last week proved a valuable reminder to me ... and so I pass it on to you. No matter how well laid our plans might be (and I had everything set!), they are subject to change. Much in life is simply outside of our control. And so when things happen that force us to change our plans, we can respond by griping or complaining --- or we can respond by trusting the One who has ALL things under His control. I must admit that there were some moments I was doing more griping than trusting. But at the end of the day I CHOSE (and we all have this choice to make) to trust God. He is TRUSTWORTHY. And that is good enough for me!

Thanks for stopping by . . .


PS - Thanks to all of you who prayed for my mother-in-law. And if you remember to do so, please continue to pray!

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