Now That's an Outrageous Statement!

Yesterday morning as I was reading our local newspaper, I came across the following quote: "How is denial of evolution by evangelical Christian politicians all that different than a denial of the Holocaust by Iran's Mahmoud Ahmaadinejad?"   I must admit that I had to look twice to make sure I had not misread what columnist Jeff Hawkes had written.

Now I read a lot of outrageous things in the newspaper. Things like adults driving drunk with young children in the car, suicide bombings killing dozens of innocent people and men and women embezzling thousands of dollars from charitable organizations - just to mention a few examples. But this statement of Hawkes is truly outrageous.

For starters, evolution is still a theory. No one has ever observed evolution (between species) and when paleontologists do make a supposedly "ground breaking" find (like the one recently in Africa) - their reports are full of speculation - because that is exactly what it is! In addition, the theory of evolution asks us to believe that the flow of evolution is in direct contradiction to the Second Law of Thermodynamics (which states that order within a system flows from order to disorder ... from control to chaos). Experience confirms for us that this (the flow from order to disorder) is so (my body reminds me of this every morning! - and where is that car you used to drive 20 years ago?).  And to think that this vast and very complex universe has evolved by chance? The probability of that happening are simply mind-boggling! I could go on and on and on ... but come on now. You may not agree with Creationism or Intelligent Design ... but to equate a denial of evolutionary theory with that of the reality of the Holocaust is downright absurd!  I would expect more from someone writing for the INTELLIGENCER Journal!

Thanks for stopping by . . .


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