Jesus makes it clear in
Luke 9:23, that if we want to follow him we must "pick up our cross DAILY." What does it mean to "pick up our cross?" Often I have heard it said that it means to carry the burdens we have been given to bear. So my occasional neck pain (caused by degenerative disc disease) is a cross I must bear. For others it might be a controlling mother-in-law, an obnoxious boss or a 1991 Chevy. However, if this were the case ... all of humanity would have crosses to bear ... not just those who choose to follow Christ. So just what is Jesus referring to here? Donald Whitney in his book, Simply Your Spiritual Life, gives one of the best answers I have ever read concerning this question. Here's is take:
"As Jesus was willing to go to the cross to do the will of the Father (Philippians 2:8), so we must be willing to follow Jesus to the cross, daily dying to any desires that conflict with His so that we may daily live for Him. While we may truly speak of glory inaugurated by the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, identifying with following Him in this world involves suffering. Indeed, there will be no end to cross-bearing this side of Heaven. The theology of the cross simplifies the spiritual life by standing as its primary reference point. Everything in Christian spirituality relates to it. Through the cross we begin our spirituality and by the power and example of the cross we live it. Ask God to show Himself afresh to you through the Bible's teaching of the cross and where this theology needs fresh application in your life."
Are you DAILY taking up your cross as you seek to follow Jesus?
Thanks for stopping by . . .
P.S. - To read the full article by Donald Whitney - check it out at http://biblicalspirituality.org/takeup.html
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