"Mirror, mirror on the wall . . . "

"Mirror, mirror on the wall" are familiar words to children of all ages. Spoken by the wicked queen in the tale of Snow White, they flow out of a heart of vanity and pride. We Christians would do well to follow her example of looking in the mirror. But not some magic mirror. Rather, it is the mirror of God's word that we must stand before and look (James 1:22-25). To help you do so, here are some great questions for self evaluation, written almost 60  years ago by A. W. Tozer. in his book, The Root of the Righteous. They are as probing and penetrating now as they were then!

1. Of what do we think when we are free to think of what we will?

2. What object gives us inward pleasure as we brood over it?

3. Over what do we muse in our free moments?

4. To what does our imagination return again and again? 

I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on these questions. Then measure your answers with what God's Word says is important! You will be better for it! 

Thanks for stopping by . . . 

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