Friday Coffee with PJ

It's Friday ... so pour yourself a cup of your favorite of get-up-and-go juice and join me for a couple of brief thoughts! 

1. I missed posting last week due to an outpatient surgical procedure which I underwent on Thursday. Sharon and I arrived at the hospital about 12:45 pm. By the time I went through the surgery (which was delayed for about an hour) and recovered enough to stand up without going sideways, we were the last to leave the outpatient recovery area (about 6:30 pm). 

Since being home, the recovery has been slow but steady. As I write this, the pain has morphed more into a general discomfort (due primarily to the ureteral stent which I still have in place). In sharing some of the negative symptoms of this stent yesterday morning with some of my staff, one woman told of the affect of pregnancy upon a woman's bladder. "I can identify with you in what you are going through!" I walked away, glad I don't have nine months to wait for this stent to be removed (in case you are wondering, my due date is next Tuesday, April 20th). 😉

All this said, thanks so very much for your concern and prayers for my recovery. I am trusting, hoping, praying that this procedure will resolve the problem and allow my left kidney to empty properly. 

2. This past Monday I "celebrated" my 62nd birthday. I spent the day lounging around the house (not by choice, by the way!). My wife worked hard to make it a special day. And she succeeded! As she was on some errands, she ran into an incredible clearance sale of some winter attire. Since she had not bought me a birthday gift yet (she claims I am difficult to buy for!), she purchased for me a few articles of clothing for almost next-to-nothing. She also brought me a Cinnabon, which served as my birthday cake replacement. That evening, my son and his family came over. They stuck a candle in a giant chocolate chip cookie and sang the Happy Birthday song to me! Since the cookie was indeed GIANT there was plenty to go around! Oh, and before I forget, I had many texts, several calls and cards from people wishing me a happy birthday (not to mention visits from all the other "little kids" the day before). 

By the end of the day, in spite of the pain and fatigue which still lingered from the surgery, I felt good. I felt special. I felt loved. 

That's something we all want to feel, isn't it? If you are not feeling loved today, take a moment and think about the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul writes that it is in the cross that God 
"proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). Have you embraced the love of Jesus Christ for you? If you have any questions as to what this means, please take a moment to check out, Two Ways to Live: The Choice We All Face.

Thanks for stopping by . . . 

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