Ancient Help for Our Present Journey

As I concluded my reading (finally!) of Phil Yancey's recent book on prayer, I read a prayer that Yancey included in his final chapter. The prayer is quite old, having been written about 500 A.D. The writer was a monk by the name of Benedict. History knows him as Benedict of Nursia (Nursia was a small village northeast of Rome). Benedict is considered by many to be the father of western Christian monasticism.

When I read the words of his prayer the other day, I thought, "Here's a prayer that needs to be prayed!" So I typed it out on my computer, printed it and now keep it on my desk. It is powerful! So I reprint it here for you in hopes that you will through these ancient words find help for your journey of grace!

O Gracious and Holy Father

Benedict of Nursia

O gracious and holy Father,
give us wisdom to perceive Thee,
intelligence to understand Thee,
diligence to seek Thee,
patience to wait for Thee,
eyes to behold Thee,
a heart to meditate on Thee,
and a life to proclaim Thee;
through the power of the Spirit
of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thanks for listening,

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