It's That Time of Year!

Today I had to place two phone calls. They both involved making an appointment for an annual inspection. The first was to my mechanic - the second to my doctor. Yep. My PT is due for inspection -- and my body is due for its inspection (a.k.a. "annual physical").

Now why must we go through these ordeals? Fitting them into your schedule and budget can prove to be a challenge. Yet they must be done. For starters, Penn Dot mandates an annual auto inspection. Therefore failure to have your car inspected is to break the law and risk a hefty fine. But even if inspection were not mandated, it would not be a bad idea to have your car checked out on an annual basis. You see, cars tend to wear out. And if left unchecked, some important auto component could wear out and ultimately cause your car to break down or worse yet, cause an accident. And what is true of our cars is also true of our bodies (and the older I get the more I know this to be true!). Our bodies wear out. So by visiting our doctor once a year for a check up, he or she can help us stay on the path to good health. And that is important, seeing we only get one body to use in this life!

So my question for you to ponder this fine spring day (the weather outside as I write these words is a sunny 67 degrees!) is this - are you being a good steward of the one (and ONLY one body) that the Creator will ever give you (at least in this life - there is a new body coming in the next, but that is a topic for a future blog posting!)? To be a good steward of your body means, among other things, eating healthy, regularly exercising and getting enough sleep. Remember- you body is not really yours! It like your very life - belongs to God! That's why Paul writes, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Thanks for listening,


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Take Time to Rest!

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