Why? Daddy, Why?

Recently I overhead a conversation between a preschooler and her grandfather. Almost every time Granddad answered a question, the little one would respond with the same question, "Why?" Now I am sure for those of you out there who have either raised little ones of your own or have had the privilege to invest in the lives of preschoolers in some other venue, you can relate to what this grandfather went through. Children tend to have an insatiable appetite for knowing why things are the way they are. Many a frustrated adult as finally answered the seeming endless parade of whys with a response such as "because ... just because!" or "Well, why not?"

Often times we approach God with the "WHY" question. We do this especially when facing difficulty. We just want to know WHY this painful trial is happening to us! The Old Testament character Job found himself in this situation. He lost everyone and everything that meant anything to him ... with two exceptions. He did not lose his wife and he did not lose his life. He wanted to know WHY all these tragic circumstances were happening to him (see Job 7:20; 10:2; 13:24). Well, if you know anything about the book of Job, you know God never reveals to Job the reason for his suffering (which, we know, were due to Satan's challenge of God in which Satan claimed the only reason Job worshiped God was for the blessings he received from God - see Job chapters 1 and 2). But what God does when he finally arrives on the scene is to remind Job of who he (Job) is and who HE (GOD) is. Twice, God says to Job, "Brace yourself like a man; I will question you and you shall answer me!" (Job 38:3 and Job 40:7).  In saying this .. God was reminding Job that HE (GOD) IS GOD AND JOB IS NOT! That, my friend, is the lesson all of us must learn. That God is God and I am not!  And as God ... He has the prerogative to order our life circumstances as he deems best. And remember ... Father does indeed know best! So when troubles come our way (which they will) ... then we can by faith rest secure in our Father's hands, knowing HE IS GOD AND WE ARE NOT!

Thanks for stopping by . . .

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