We Say "God Answers Prayer" but Do We Really Believe It?

One story in the book of Acts (Acts 12) has always fascinated me. The story begins with King Herod on an anti-Christian crusade. He arrested many Christ followers and even had the Apostle James (brother of John) put to death. When he saw that his execution of James pleased the Jews, he ordered the arrest of the Apostle Peter.

As Peter languished in jail, wondering if he was on death row, the church "was earnestly praying to God for him."  Now as I put myself in the sandals of those first century believers who were praying for Peter, I can't help but think I am praying for his release. The fledgling church had just suffered the loss of one of it's pillars (the Apostle James). Another loss of such magnitude would be a difficult blow to take. So ... bottom line ... I am convinced that the church was asking God, pleading with God, to free Peter.

God answered this prayer. In the middle of the night, through the work of an angel, Peter was miraculously set free! After Peter was led out of the prison by his angelic deliverer, it took him a few moments to realize he was not dreaming! When he did, he made a bee line for the home of Mary, the mother of Mark (author of the gospel by his name). He knew he would find Christians there praying for him. When he knocked on the door, a servant girl by the name of Rhoda was so excited to hear his voice, she forgot to let him in! Instead, she ran to tell the others. Their response? "You're out of your mind!" But when Rhoda kept insisting Peter was indeed at the door, they told her, "It must be his angel!"  While this back and forth was going on, Peter was at the door, continuing to knock (I am guessing he wanted to get out of sight before Herod's soldiers came looking for him). Finally, the group heard his knocking and opened the door. When they saw Peter, "they were astonished."

Now, as I think of how this group of believers responded, I want to point a finger at them and say, "Look. Why were you so surprised? Isn't this what you were praying for? Peter's release?"  Granted, the manner of his release was certainly miraculous. But the point is ... God heard their prayers and responded to their prayers! This is what he promises to do!

I wonder. How often do we pray as these early believers prayed ... and when God answers, we are astonished just as they were? Perhaps a better response to answered prayer would be to praise God for the faithfulness to his promises and rejoice in the grace he showers upon us when he does answer! IF we are to be amazed at anything ... let it be that we, as sinful human beings, can have such an intimate relationship with the God who made us and against whom we sinned. Wow! That's something to be astonished about!

Thanks for stopping by . . .


1 comment:

Leslee said...

Good Insight, PJ!

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