Friday Coffee with PJ

Friday morning means COFFEE! (frankly, every morning means coffee for me)! So why not pour yourself a cup of your favorite brew and join me for a couple of random thoughts?

1. The dictionary defines empty nester as a parent whose children have grown and moved away from home. My wife and I have been empty nesters for the past ten years. But that doesn't mean that we have been alone in the house during that time. We have enjoyed having a couple of college students live with us (one I had the privilege of marrying in our back yard!) and another stayed with us for all four years of her college career. In addition we have hosted several missionary friends, family members ... and of course, our grandkids. This past week our house has been hopping with friends from France who are here in the States on their "home ministries" tour and our one daughter and family sleeping over (as they are showing their house - and it's a lot easier to do that when you are not living in the house!) 

We enjoy hosting people. My wife and I believe this is why God gave us the house he did. Hospitality is a way for us to share with others what God has given to us. And in giving we receive far more in return! How about you? What are you sharing with others?

2. As part of my devotional reading this year, I have been going through Tim Keller's book on Proverbs, God's Wisdom for Navigating Life. Recently I read the following which really got me thinking about my own talk: 

You must ask yourself why you are telling the truth. Is it to win an argument? To punish or pay back by embarrassing the other person? To undermine something true that the person is saying but you don’t want to hear? To defend your pride? To complain? To make yourself look good to others? St. Paul says every word must pass this test—“that it may benefit those who listen . . . according to their needs” (Ephesians 4:29). When you tell the truth, you should always have a “ministry motive.”

I must admit when I speak I don't always have a "ministry motive" behind what I am saying. How about you? 

Thanks for stopping by . . . 

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