I am glad to be back in Lancaster! My time in Indiana was VERY productive. Grace College/Seminary are alive and well ... but are facing some challenges given the current recession in which we find ourselves. But with great leadership at the helm and God on His throne - I am optimistic concerning the future of Grace Schools.
Since I am still digging out of the pile of work that accumulated while I was gone, I thought that in lieu of a regular posting - I would post just a few random thoughts that are floating around in my head.
1. Seeing that today in Veterans Day - please take a moment to thank a vet and pray for the men and women in our military. Sharon and I gave a card to our son-in-law, who served in Iraq. We enjoy our freedoms in part due to the sacrifice of our service men and women.
2. Offering hospitality is a great way to demonstrate the love of Jesus (which is why we are commanded to do so - see Romans 12:13 and 1 Peter 4:9). I was on the receiving end of some very gracious hospitality during my time away in Indiana (thanks, Pat, Leslee, Alex and Ed!).
3. Relationships are so precious! I was reminded of this upon arriving in Indiana and spending time with some people I love for the first time in a long time. I was reminded again when I returned home to a hug and kiss from my best friend (a.k.a. my wife!). All of us could enrich our lives by making the relationships in our lives a greater priority (a quick read of the New Testament will affirm the same!).
4. In spite of the turbulent times (or probably better said, "BECAUSE of the turbulent times") - the opportunity to advance the gospel is growing! People are frightened and anxious about tomorrow. What a great time for us to come along and point them to the ONE who holds tomorrow in His hand!!!
I hope to get back to some "regular" spiritual meanderings tomorrow. Until then ...
Thanks for stopping by . . .