Friday Coffee with PJ

The other day when I was out and about, I went through a Starbucks drive thru. Ordered a cup of their boldest brew and boy was that good!  Glad you could stop by and join me for this edition of Friday Coffee with PJ!

1. I heard a report on my car radio the other day about the practice known as "wardrobing." If you are not familiar with this, wardrobing involves purchasing an article of clothing (usually on the more expensive side), wearing it once (without removing the tags) and then returning it to the store for a refund. When I heard this, I asked myself, "Do people really do this?" Yep. And probably more than you would think (retailers estimate that this practice of wardrobing cost the industry almost 9 billion dollars last year!). But in the minds of many wardrobing sure beats laying out the money for a fancy outfit that you will probably only wear once! Some retailers are now fighting back by placing gaudy tags on the more expensive garments. And if you try to return the clothing without that tag attached ... forget it!  Hmm. Trying to get around paying for something. Reminds me of what many of us do in our Christian walk. We try to get around paying the price for spiritual growth (which is a lot of hard, intentional effort - see 1 Timothy 4:7-8) and then wonder why we are not growing!

2. In just nine days, I will be leading a team (mainly from our church) to serve at an orphanage in central India. Children's Fellowship of India is home to just under 200 boys. If it were not for CFI, the state of these boys would be nothing short of desperate. Please pray for our team as we make our final preparations. If you have some time ... you might want to watch this video that will introduce you to CFI's ministry.

CFI The Children's Fellowship of India from Martin Wild on Vimeo.

3. Finally, there's a challenge that's coming for Grace Church at Willow Valley. This challenge, for those of us who choose to take it up, will, I trust, help us to better know and live God's Word! So if you are a part of our church family here at Grace . . . stay tuned for more info that will be coming your way in the not-too-distant future!

Thanks for stopping by . . .

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