Kids Be Gone!

Kids Be Gone is the exclusive North American distributor of a device known as the Mosquito Kids Deterrent Device. The Mosquito, manufactured by the British company Compound Security, is designed to disperse unwanted teens that tend to gather in shopping malls or stores. The technology behind the Mosquito has to do with human anatomy. As we age, our ears lose the ability to hear higher frequencies. The Mosquito works by emitting emits a high-frequency noise that is audible (and quite annoying) to those generally age twenty and younger. According to Compound Security, ten minutes or so of hearing this sound is enough and most teens will move out of its range (which is about 40 to 60 feet) and out of your hair!

To say this device is kicking up some controversy would be an understatement. In England, the country's commissioner for children and a civil liberties group have linked up recently in a campaign to ban the Mosquito and other similar devices.

My purpose is not to weigh in on this controversy. But as I thought about this device, I thought, "It sure would be nice to have a similar device to ward off Satan and his henchmen. We could call it Satan Be Gone!" However, this is not possible. So we must roll up our spiritual sleeves and grab a hold of the armor and weapons that God gives us to ward off the attacks of the Enemy. For a full listing, read through Ephesians 6:10-18. At the core of the armor and the weapons is God's Word. At the end of the day what matters most in our fight against the spiritual forces arrayed against us (and do NOT fall into the trap - out of sight out of mind when it comes to the Enemy of your soul. Just because you cannot see him, does NOT mean he is not near! Read 1 Peter 5:8 for a reminder of this truth AND note that Paul in Eph. 6:13 does not say "If the day of evil comes" but rather "When the day of evil comes.") - but what matters most is how well you know and apply God's Word in your life. SO -- how are you doing with God's Word? Is reading and studying and obeying it a priority in your life? I hope so. You will only be successful in the spiritual battle when the Word has its proper place in your life.

Thanks for stopping by . . .


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