God's Gift to You

Gifts are a big part of the Christmas season. We spend time thinking about them, shopping for them, wrapping them and exchanging them. For most people a Christmas without gifts under the tree would be no Christmas at all.

There is no clear consensus as to when gift giving became so firmly entrenched with Christmas. Many point to the Victorian era which brought renewed warmth to the holiday with its emphasis on family. At that time Yule tide gift giving sprang up to show kindness and love to family members and beyond. But whatever the case, gifts are a big part of Christmas.

As you exchange your gifts this Christmas - take a moment and look beyond these gifts to the greater gift of God. After all, Christmas is all about God so loving us "that He sent His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish BUT have eternal life" (John 3:16).

Tomorrow morning (Christmas Day) is the time my family will be exchanging our gifts for one another. If my wife were to leave one of my gifts to her unwrapped, sitting under our tree - how do you think I would feel about such indifference? Well, my friend, far too many leave God's gift of His Son unwrapped and sitting under the tree. Please don't be among them. Your eternal destiny lies in the balance (please read Matthew 7:13-14 and John 14:6).

Open God's gift to you today (read my posting of yesterday for instructions). Please don't leave HIS gift as the only unopened gift under your tree.

Thanks for stopping by and a MERRY CHRISTMAS to you . . .


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