Putting on the "Spin!"

Judgment Day,  May 21, 2011 - came and went with no judgment. Or did it? According to Family Radio's Harold Camping, judgment did occur on Saturday. We just could not see it! Really? According to comments Mr. Camping made on his Monday evening broadcast, the judgment of God that took place on Saturday was invisible because it was spiritual in nature.Here's what he had to say:

"On May 21, this last weekend, this is where the spiritual aspect of it really comes through. God again brought judgment on the world. We didn't see any difference but God brought Judgment Day to bear upon the whole world. The whole world is under Judgment Day and it will continue right up until Oct. 21, 2011 and by that time the whole world will be destroyed."

As far as I know, Camping did not elaborate on just what this "spiritual judgment" entails. Nor did he explain the rationale behind the new date of October 21. In my opinion, he is just trying to put a positive spin on his very bad theology! 

What saddens me most about all of this is that Camping's Judgment Day crusade is this. Many unbelievers view Camping as some doomsday crackpot. So all of  his talk about a coming Judgment Day is just that ... talk. And crazy talk at that. As a result, when they encounter true biblical teaching about a coming Judgment Day (and one is coming - see 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10 and Revelation 20:11-15) - they dismiss it as being irrelevant at best or downright lunacy at worst! . 

Reader. Please do not throw out the baby (the biblical truth about a coming judgment) with the bath water (Camping's crazy predictions). Instead, study the Bible to see what it says ... and then prepare to one day meet the God who made you! 

Thanks for stopping by . . . 


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