Some Random Midweek Thoughts

As we hit the midweek, with the July 4th holiday inviting us forward, here are two random thoughts floating around my head this morning . . .

1. I really don't like flying! Flying certainly is not what it used to be. With increased security, decreased flights, it requires a lot of patience to fly the skies today (what ever happened to the "Friendly Skies?"). And on top of all the inconvenience, there's the airlines seeking any and every way to cut cost and raise revenue. Let me give you just one example I experienced on my way home on Monday. I arrived at the South Bend airport early ... early enough to catch the earlier flight to Chicago's O'hare airport where I was to connect for my flight to Harrisburg. So I asked at the gate if there was room on the flight. I was told to wait until the passengers had boarded. At that point the gate agent would check and, if someone did not show (the flight was oversold as so many are these days), I could get on. Sure enough, someone did not show and I was able to catch the earlier flight. So, when I arrived in Chicago, I sought out the gate where the earlier flight to Harrisburg was due to depart. I asked the gate agent there if there was any room. She told me (somewhat gruffly), "Sir, if you want to fly standby, it will cost you an additional $50!" Now since I had not paid extra to just fly standby from South Bend, you can imagine my surprise. But I was not about to pay $50 for the opportunity to arrive home about 2 hours earlier than scheduled ... even though I really, really wanted to get home! (as it turned out, due to weather, the earlier Harrisburg flight was delayed over an hour ... and my flight was on time - so the difference in arrival time into Harrisburg was not all that much!). I guess you can see why I don't really like to fly.

2. God's love for us is AWESOME! As I sat and watched last night's excellent production of Phantom at the Fulton Theater, I was struck by the unconditional love of the mother of the character, Eric (who became the phantom of the opera). Eric was born with a horribly disfigured face. To hide his breathtaking ugliness from others, he wore a mask. Yet, when he was born, his mother accepted him totally - disfigured face and all. In fact, when she looked at him she saw only beauty. As I thought about that, it reminded me of Christians and our relationship with God. When we are born into this world, each and every one of us is horribly disfigured, broken, distorted by sin. Yet in spite of this, God pursues us in love. The Apostle Paul reminds us that "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). And once we place our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior, repenting of our sin and rebellion against God and calling on Him for the forgiveness of our sin, he gloriously saves us! And he places upon us the righteousness of His own Son! So now, when God looks down upon His own from heaven, He no longer sees the distortion, brokenness, disfigurement caused by our sin. Instead, He sees the beauty of His Son in us! WOW! Praise God today for HIS awesome, unconditional love!

Thanks for stopping by . . .


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