Rock Your World with the Gospel

Ray Comfort, the founder of Living Waters Publications and The Way of the Master (both of these ministries are all about equipping and encouraging Christians to share their faith) wrote earlier this week about the earthquake that rocked  his native New Zealand (click here for stunning photos of this catastrophe). In his post he referred to a surfer friend from his pre-conversion teenage years. This friend got his girlfriend pregnant when they were both just 16. They gave the girl up for adoption. When this girl turned 16, she sought out her biological parents. Her motivation to do so was due to her own pregnancy. Ray's surfer friend became a grandfather at age 32!

In 1992, Ray returned to his hometown for a visit. He purposely looked up his friend in order to share the gospel with him. However, it did not work out well as too many people kept coming into his friend's shop, making a conversation difficult. This past Sunday, Ray thought of his friend and decided to contact him. He looked up his friend's shop online, found an email address and sent him off an email. He was amazed to get a reply. Here is the rest of the story in Ray's own words:

"He said that my god (he used a small "g") really scared him with the big earthquake they had six months ago (he used profanity to say how much it scared him). I then wrote back and said that I failed to tell him something when I last saw him, and added that Jesus said if you lust after a woman, you commit adultery with her. I said that Hell was real, and that God made a way for us to be forgiven and have everlasting life.

He responded 'That is scary, you mean I have committed adultery about 140 times already today? Hell won’t be so bad – at least all my mates will be there and all the naughty girls. Just don’t tell me it will be onshore all day every day. That will really make me gnash my teeth. Heaven sounds really boring -- all the goody two shoes kids drinking tea and singing hymns all day. Is there surf there?'

I emailed back that there would be no friendship or any pleasure in Hell and talked about his misunderstanding of Heaven, hoping he would get back to me.

The following day, the earthquake struck. His shop was very close to the epicenter. I don't know what happened to him"

What friend do YOU need to reach out to today with the gospel?

Thanks for stopping by . . .


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