A Pajama Lesson

Recently I saw something at the mall that made me look a second time. Someone wearing their pajama bottoms. And once I saw one person ... I saw some others as well. Not sure what that means ... perhaps too lazy to get dressed after rolling out of bed? Maybe rolling out of bed late with no time to change? Or perhaps the individual's only pair of jeans are in the wash? And it's not just here in Lancaster. The city of Shreveport, LA is considering a ban on the wearing of pajamas in public. And last year a school in the town of Middlesbrough, England asked parents to stop wearing pajamas when they dropped off and picked up their children from school. What's next? I'd hate to even go there!

I got to thinking about this earlier this morning. I was greeting our preschool students at they were being dropped off for school. Some of the students were wearing their pajama's. Today was "pajama day" in their class. After watching several of them skipping in the door, wearing their finest sleepwear ... I turned to a one of the teaches and said, "So, this is where these people who wear their pj's to the mall learned that it was OK to get "out and about" in your pajamas!"  Of course, I was just trying to be funny (but, as one four year old told me once, "You think you're funny but you're not!"). So ..OK .. the statement was a bit lame. But ... there is a reality behind my attempt at humor.

Children ... especially in their preschool years ... are incredibly impressionable. The foundation of who they will become as adults is laid during their early childhood days. So we who have little ones in our lives (i.e. children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, students, etc.) must be INTENTIONAL about just  what it is we are passing on to them. And among other things ... remember this truism, "VALUES ARE BETTER CAUGHT THAN TAUGHT" (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).  What kind of example are YOU to the children in your life? What truths are you impressing upon them?

Thanks for stopping by . . .

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