A Cat Did That?

My son, Tim used to have a cat. Her name was Mary. For the most part she was a good cat. But that didn't change my view of cats. I don’t really like cats. It’s not that I hate them. It’s just that I can think of a thousand and one things that I like more – like a good root canal or a steaming bowl of Brussels sprouts – just to name a few. But there are many cat lovers in our world and the biggest one might just be a guy named Gary Rosheisen.

Gary lives in an apartment with Tommy in Columbus, Ohio. Tommy is Gary’s cat. A few years ago, Gary fell out of his wheelchair and onto the floor. Unable to move he remained where he fell until paramedics arrived. How did paramedics know he was in trouble? Tommy the cat apparently dialed 911. That’s right! You read what I wrote correctly. Gary had trained Tommy to hit the speed dial button for 911 on the phone that he kept on the living room floor. Gary always wondered if the training had taken. It had. When the 911 dispatcher received the call and no one was on the line (Gary had not gotten around to training Tommy to talk!), he notified authorities who decided to check things out. When they did they found Gary on the floor, the result of a mini-stroke. Concerning Tommy the cat, Gary was quoted as saying, “He’s my hero!” Tommy might have nine lives – and it seems that the one life Gary has he owes to his cat!

Just as Gary Rosheisen owes his life to his cat we too, owe someone our lives. That someone is Jesus Christ. Jesus came “not to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). He gave His life on the cross for us. We did not ask Him to do this and we certainly did not deserve such an act of sacrifice on our part. Yet “while we were still sinner (rebels against God), Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Doesn’t such sacrificial love demand something from us? Give it some thought. For your sake and for Jesus’ sake!

Thanks for stopping by . . .


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